December 2, 2020

Creating with Sugru

This post is sponsored with thanks to Sugru, but all thoughts and opinions like always are my own. If this project leaves you  feeling inspired, why not  create your own at home and tag #SugruCozyCorner for the chance to win $500 worth of HomeDepot vouchers!  Also, be sure to sign up for Sugru’s awesome newsletter here before December 18th to win a free pack of Sugru!


Okay…so who’s ready to do a super easy DIY? I’ve been challenged by my friends at Sugru to reimagine a corner of my home this winter. Now, what if I told you we won’t be using a singe tool? Do I have your attention now?

Have you heard of Sugru? Well, if your answer is no, let me help you change that!! This super cool product is the world’s first multipurpose moldable glue. That’s right, a glue that you can mould and it remains flexible when set. It can stick to so many materials like glass, ceramic, wood, metal and most plastics. Crazy right! The best part is it can be used for so many different purposes, like fixing, bonding or creating things.

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