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DIY Gossip Bench with Fusion Mineral Paint

Ever since our Flohmarkt days in Germany, I have been looking for the perfect entryway bench. I found a few benches in Germany but something was always not quite right, i.e. too big, expensive, ornate, or just not what I envisioned. While looking through Facebook marketplace (my new favorite pastime), I came across gossip benches…and I love them so much!! The little seat and shelf is so cute and unique. One just so happened to pop up so I snagged it…super lucky! I thought this would be a great project to paint and try out a new paint I had been checking out at a local store.

Sparking Joy in Your Home – KonMari Challenge

Does it Spark Joy? It seems like a popular question…

A few months ago, I started reading about the Marie Kondo method but it seemed very overwhelming at the time. Now she is everywhere I turn, Netflix, Instagram, the Today show. It seems like a sign I should get it together and start decluttering. With a move in my near future possible, what better time to start??? Armed with the book and a warning to my family to hold on to anything that brings them joy, I started KonMaring my house. Hopefully you too will be inspired and join me in this challenge…I am planning 6-8 weeks to get the whole house decluttered….I feel cleaner already 😉

DIY Fun T-Shirts – The Bachelor Edition

It is that time again…my guilty pleasure TV show is back…The Bachelor. I really can’t explain why it is so awesome, it just is!! So many women and so much drama is just so entertaining. In Germany, Jessie and I had many afternoons watching The Bachelor and the Bachelorette and my personal favorite Bachelor in Paradise in her bed eating junk food, shhh, Don’t tell Greg…he also has a secret, well not so much anymore 😉 love of watching the bachelor. I am sure he will love me announcing it, I guess we will see if he reads this!!

Bringing Christmas Magic into 2019

Well, it is a wrap on Christmas 2018. Hope you all had a HAPPY, HEALTHY, and FUN Christmas!!  It seems to fly by faster and faster each year. All that planning, decorating, and cooking is now a distant memory and it is time to think of what the New Year will bring. It is always exciting to look into the next year and think about your hopes and wishes for the New Year…almost like a new beginning!

DIY Christmas T-Shirts

It is no secret I love my cricut…the project ideas are endless. This year I was thinking about our Christmas card what I could do to make it original. We didn’t take any really amazing family pictures, next year we will have to work on that!

So, I decided to go with the ever so popular family pajama Christmas photo. To make it my own I thought I could make my own t-shirts. I asked my kids what they would like and my daughter of course suggested emojis or unicorns. Emojis won since I didn’t think my son would appreciate a picture of him in a unicorn shirt! The best part is I had all the shapes my cricut already and didn’t have to buy any emoji images. All I needed was the t-shirt and iron-on. The most difficult part of this t-shirt is the layering of the iron-on. It was a longer process then normal but the finished product came out so cute.

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