Let’s make our own Easy DIY Pendant Lights with Bulbrite Solana!
Have you been following along with my Lofted Bed Project? If so, you know I am adding lighting to the inside bed space. I wanted to keep it bright inside the loft even though it will be closed off and look like it’s built into the walls. Now of course, you know I could not find the perfect light fixture for this space. So we know what the means…time to make our own! 😉
Making DIY Pendant Lights is so incredibly easy and you only need a few supplies. Light fixtures, especially large ones can get quite pricey, very quickly. This is a great option to help lower the price and give you a one-of-kind look. Who doesn’t want a show stopping piece in your home? It’s even that much better when you can say you made it yourself!
Before you start this project consult a professional or see the safety disclamer below if you are DIY-ing.
Making this pendant light took all of about 5 minutes. First, I measured my space and figured out the location I wanted the light to hang. Once I found the perfect height I added about an additional 8″ for wiring and any mistakes. Then, I wrapped electrical tape around the pendant light rope in the location I wanted to cut it.
Okay…let’s flip our baskets over…The basket I chose had an opening in the center already, so win for me! If yours does not, grab some clippers and carefully make an opening in the bottom. I ran the bottom of my roped lighting through the bottom of the basket. Then, I added two tight knots on top of each other to keep the socket from coming through the hole and to stay in the perfect location.
Next, I ran the wiring through the ceiling face plate. Same thing…I re-measured the exact location I wanted the light to fall from the ceiling. After I decided the location, I clamped the roping into place through the face plate. Now, everything is ready to hardwire.
To make this project even more special for my daughter, I added smart lighting by Bulbrite Solana. I went with their color change light bulbs, because I knew my daughter would be beyond excited about that feature. I downloaded their app to my phone along with my daughters and was able to setup all the settings. Her favorite feature is obviously the color wheel and being able to change the light to match her “mood”!
I’m absolutely loving the schedule that I can set up for each light bulb. I scheduled them to do a wake up Mon-Fri for school. The lights turn on at the specific time I scheduled for her gradually. You can also set it for sunrise and then add your location. Umm…okay…So cool!
Another amazing feature about the Bulbrite smart lights, is I can turn them off whenever I want. It’s bedtime…night, night…go to sleep…Lights out! Lol! The switch for these lights is pretty high as well, so if she leaves the lights on (I’m sure that will never happen…ha) I don’t have to climb all the way into her bed to switch them off. I can just turn them off with my phone. Super convenient!
If you want to see more about this project be sure to head over to my Instagram @eyeinthedetail Tons of behind the footage in my highlight bubbles. Keep following along because this Before and After of this space is going to be so incredible.
? s a f e t y d i s c l a i m e r. Eye in the Detail recommends that you try all projects safely. Use appropriate safety gear and abide by individual tool requirements and safety advice when operating machinery. By participating in any DIY project or taking instructional advice such as this, there is always a possibility of injury. If you do take part in DIY Projects or follow any Eye in the Detail project tutorial, you agree that you do so at your own risk. You also agree that you are voluntarily participating in these activities and will assume all risk of injury to yourself. Jessie & Eye in the Detail LLC are not responsible for any injury caused by the user when implementing any plans or projects on from her content and tutorials. You also agree to release and discharge Jessie Ecker and Eye in the Detail LLC. from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Eye in the Detail and Eye in the Detail LLC. negligence.