How To Install A Light ANYWHERE Without Electricity

Okay friends … let’s start 2o20 with the easiest DIY ever! Who’s ready? I’m teaming up with my girl Jessica at Itty Bitty Farmhouse to bring you this super fun project and tutorial. Do you have so many places that you want to add light fixtures but, don’t know how or don’t want to pay someone to install electricity. Well, I do and I even know how to run wires now. Let’s be serious though … sometimes you just want an easy project with NO mess!!!

Puck light fixture mounted

So here it is, your welcome! 😉 Let me show you a great hack! This one is easy and the impact is incredible. So this whole DIY took me less then 5 mins. Yep … you heard me correctly and that’s not because I’m a DIY-er, it’s just serioulsy that easy!!


So here’s what you will need:

  1. Wall Light Fixture

  2. LED Puck Light (one for each light fixture)

  3. Outlet Socket Adapter

  4. Hot Glue Gun & Glue

Supplies for DIY Puck Light

Step 1: You are going to use your hot glue gun and attach your Puck Light to your Outlet Socket Adapter. So you add glue to the middle back of the puck light. Around the same size as the outlet socket. Umm… so try to not judge my poor glue gun, it has seen many many projects! 😉

adding glue to back of puck light

Step 2: You are going to attach your light fixture to your wall, using the bracket it came with. You can take out the wires if you want to. I left mine attached and just wrapped and tucked them into place, just in case I ever really want to hardwire them.

add socket adapter to puck light

puck light attached to socket adapter

Step 3: You are going to screw your Outlet Socket Adapter into your Light Fixture.

puck light screwed to light fixture

light fixture installed using no electricity

Ummm… BOOM! That’s totally it!!! SO crazy right!

Now with the Puck light I got came with a remote. So I can turn it on and off with the remote along with pushing the center of the Puck Light. Let me know what you think! I’d love to hear from you if you try out this Hack! If you want to see more behind the scenes don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @ eyeinthedetail

Also, all my farmhouse lovers don’t miss following Jessica @ittybittyfarmhouse on IG. Her house is truly to die for and is all your farmhouse dreams in one space! Incredible styling and just so fun to watch everyday!

light fixture with no electricity



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