Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge ~ Week 2

Whew…well, week 2 of the challenge just seemed to fly right on by. If you missed Week 1 of the Jeffrey Court 2019 Fall Renovation Challenge, you can check it out here. Also, don’t forget to check out the other designers participating in the Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge for week 2.

The plan is to completely remodel my Master Bathroom and that is exactly what is going on over here. Walls have been knocked out and there is no going back now! Here is a before pic, just in case you forget where we started.

Week 1 was all about the demo and I was hoping it would end there, but Week 2 saw more demo and also some challenges to overcome. As demo continued into the week, I also decided to switch up a few things. I added more space by taking out my daughters’ extra closet in her room. Removing that wall along with the wall that held all of the plumbing has been way more challenging than I expected.

This week, I removed all of the flooring, as well. Can you guess how many layers of flooring was layered on top of each other? So many. I finally have everything cleared out though…Yessssssss!!! Everything literally went right out the window.

jeffrey Court Challenge Vanity DemoJeffrey Court Challenge Demo Begins

Next up was framing out the new bathroom space. The extra space is going to give me a nice size shower, around 68″ which will be amazing! The old one was so tight, dark, and was sitting at around 36″. By removing 2 walls, the space is already completely changed and is so much more open…Eck…I am starting to get so excited, but I know there still is so far to go!!!

Now on to moving all the piping to the opposite side of the room. Yikes…I have been trying to figure this part all week. Can you say YouTube?? This might have to be a part I contract out for, next week will tell. After plumbing will be a custom wet-bed for the shower. Seriously, can I get a double Yikes on that one!

I am so ready for all the backend work to be done, so I can get in there and start adding all my tiling. Below is my design board and all the tile I have chosen for the Challenge by Jeffrey Court. As you can see, I have chosen four different tiles for my renovation Challenge. I picked the Mapleton, Locket Mosaic, Carlton and Winter Court Pebble. So, stay tuned to see where it is all going to go…I, of course have a few twists under my sleeves!


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  1. Christy | 10th Oct 19

    Jessie this is incredible!!! I can’t believe you have done all this demo and even the plumbing prep yourself. So cool!! And probably so sore …lol. Can’t wait to see what you turn it in to =)

    • admin | 21st Oct 19

      Thanks so much!! Yes…my whole body hurts so bad!! Lol!! Thanks for following along! 😉

  2. Becky Davis | 15th Oct 19

    So proud of what you have been able to learn just by believing in yourself and diving in! I’m really impressed with your demo skills and trying your hand at plumbing, yikes!! Can’t wait to see your design come to life. I have been wanting to redo my master bathroom as well and seeing you have the courage to take it on is very encouraging to me. I have moved from wanting to do it to seriously considering taking it on. I am taking notes as you go. I faith in you!!

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