before & after

Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge ~ Week 2

Whew…well, week 2 of the challenge just seemed to fly right on by. If you missed Week 1 of the Jeffrey Court 2019 Fall Renovation Challenge, you can check it out here. Also, don’t forget to check out the other designers participating in the Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge for week 2.

The plan is to completely remodel my Master Bathroom and that is exactly what is going on over here. Walls have been knocked out and there is no going back now! Here is a before pic, just in case you forget where we started.

No Girls Allowed…Boy’s Room Renovation

Being military, moving into a new house in always an adventure and somehow the rooms never work out in our favor. The girls always pick the rooms that are painted traditional boy colors and the boys inevitably get stuck with the bright pink and purple girly room. This move was no different…of course!! Brock’s room started off as one of the rooms in the house that…

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