
KonMari Update – Sparking Joy Yet?

Well, it has been almost two months since I started my KonMari journey. And it has most definitely been a journey…filled with lots of trash, recycles and so much organizing. All we have left is the garage, and maybe some photo keepsakes. I fully blame my husband and the fact that it is just plain cold outside in the winter to be organizing a garage as to why we haven’t gotten to that part of the house. The photos, well that is all me, they are so distracting and then I get so sad my kids are so grown up!! 

Sparking Joy in Your Home – KonMari Challenge

Does it Spark Joy? It seems like a popular question…

A few months ago, I started reading about the Marie Kondo method but it seemed very overwhelming at the time. Now she is everywhere I turn, Netflix, Instagram, the Today show. It seems like a sign I should get it together and start decluttering. With a move in my near future possible, what better time to start??? Armed with the book and a warning to my family to hold on to anything that brings them joy, I started KonMaring my house. Hopefully you too will be inspired and join me in this challenge…I am planning 6-8 weeks to get the whole house decluttered….I feel cleaner already 😉

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