DIY Home Renovation

Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge ~ Final Reveal

Well, that’s a wrap on The Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge! I can’t even believe how quickly 6 weeks flew by. I’m not going to lie, completely renovating a Master Bathroom in 6 weeks is not for the faint of heart. This was by FAR the hardest project I have done thus far. Literally every single inch of my body hurts and I am starting to resemble a homeless person right about now. Not to mention, I am failing in all other parts of my life, wife, mother, friend, etc. I have been working non-stop on this project, down till the very last hour in the competition…all the sweat, blood (there really was blood), and oh my goodness the tears and so so much coffee were all completely worth it in the end though.

Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge ~ Week 2

Whew…well, week 2 of the challenge just seemed to fly right on by. If you missed Week 1 of the Jeffrey Court 2019 Fall Renovation Challenge, you can check it out here. Also, don’t forget to check out the other designers participating in the Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge for week 2.

The plan is to completely remodel my Master Bathroom and that is exactly what is going on over here. Walls have been knocked out and there is no going back now! Here is a before pic, just in case you forget where we started.

Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge ~ Week 1

Hey guys! So a new adventure begins this week and it’s going to be my biggest project to date! I was recently invited to participate in the 2019 Fall Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge. The challenge is to renovate a space over the next six weeks. That’s right I said six weeks! Each week will be judged by a panel of Jeffrey Court judges. You will even get the chance to be involved and get to help vote for your favorite designer 😉 The winner of the contest will win a $5,000 dream vacation. This will sound super cheesy, but I feel like I already won…I get to transform a space using amazing tile by Jeffrey Court. I am all in!!!

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