Eye in the Detail

Top 5 DIY Cricut Projects

Top 5 DIY Cricut Projects

Hey guys! This week we are partnering with Cricut and have some super awesome coupon codes for you, but only until Nov. 6th. So, if you have been on the fence whether or not to buy a cricut or need new supplies now is the time.

Here are our Top 5 DIY Cricut Projects for inspiration. The sky is the limit for DIY with this tool, whether you are into fabric, wood, paper, iron-on or vinyl!

DIY Coffee Mug Holder

Hi, my name is Jennifer and I have an addiction to collecting Starbucks mugs!!! I really do realize I have a situation happening with my Starbucks mug collection, but I just can’t help myself. Pretty soon I will need to have a room like in the White House called the “Mug Room.”

$50 Mantle Makeover

I keep getting lots of requests to come to peoples homes and decorate for them. This week, I decided to bombard my sweet and amazing friend/neighbor Tori’s house. Ready or Not…here I come! Tori has an amazing house with so much potential and like most stories I hear she doesn’t have the time or vision to start the decorating process. Decorating the whole house is very overwhelming. I totally get that!

Making Magical Halloween Costumes & Memories

Since I was a little girl, my Grandmother, Mimi, would make me the most amazing and spectacular costumes. She would take me to the fabric shop and let me pick whatever I wanted. I was literally a kid in my own type of candy store. Anything my little heart could dream, was her command. Of course, I would request the most lavish costumes you could imagine and without fail they would always show up even better then I envisioned. These memories are implanted into my soul, they makeup a huge part of the creative person I am today.

Frosted Pumpkin Cookies

Fall is one of my favorite seasons, the air gets crisp and the smell of pumpkin and cinnamon is everywhere. I enjoy almost all things pumpkin; lattes, pasta, bread, muffins, and especially pumpkin cookies. I found a recipe a while ago and tweaked it over the years to make it just right. These cookies are a great treat to bring to a potluck or party in the fall season and always go fast. Even my kids who claim to dislike anything pumpkin will eat them!!

Thought for the Week

Autumn, the season that teaches us that change can be beautiful.
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