house hunting

On the Move Again – Home Search Tips

While Jessie has been busy slaving away on her beautiful One Room Challenge (ORC) Workspace (check out it out here), things over here have been getting very interesting. It looks like the Army has finally given us the official word that our family is on the move yet again this summer to the great state of Texas. This is, according to my husband, the last move. We will see how that goes…tune back in about 2 years from now to see if this is true!!

Anyways, with a big move comes lots and lots of logistical stuff that must be taken care of. First up on our long list, a big one, is a home search. Yes, we are going to be homeowners again. So exciting and a little bit daunting…but it will be nice to have our own space again after renting for the last 2 years and the 3 before that in a tiny German apartment.

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